Admin's Corner

Lisa Heard
Lisa Heard, Principal
Ms. Heard is a graduate of Dadeville High School (Dadeville Strong!), The University of Alabama, and The University of West Alabama. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in Political Science, a master’s degree in special education, a certificate in education administration, and an educational specialist degree in instructional leadership. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Instructional Leadership in the college of Rural Education at The University of West Alabama. Ms. Heard taught special education in elementary, middle, and high school. She also taught Algebra I. This is Ms. Heard’s 25th year in education. She has served as a teacher, Director of Instruction, special education coordinator, 504 Coordinator, System Test Coordinator, School Improvement Specialist, Textbook Coordinator, Professional Development Coordinator, ARFI Director, and ARI director. Throughout her tenure in education, she has been an advocate for students with disabilities, served on the ACAP committee, served as a Managing Crisis Safely trainer, and worked with state and national legislators to help students with disabilities.
Ms. Heard has two biological children, Rhema and Caleb Webb and three surrogate children, Brittainy, Deangelo, and Ameerreia. She is the daughter of Larry and Clara Heard. She has two biological sisters, and one cousin reared as her sister. She loves her family, and appreciates spending time with them all.
Hello, Bessemer City Middle School Purple Tigers! I am so excited to serve the students, parents, teachers, and Bessemer City community members. It is my pleasure to utilize my skills and abilities to help our students achieve excellence in academics, athletics, social skills, and behavioral skills. I am energized and on the bus of every stakeholder in Bessemer. Please get on the Bessemer City Middle School’s energy bus because we are headed in the right direction.